Chris's Radio Pages

Sunday, 1 July 2007

Welcome to my radio pages

I'm a great fan of 60s radio - one of my hobbies is collecting and archiving the history of what was arguably the finest radio station in Africa. I'm talking about LM Radio which broadcast from Lourenco Marques in Mocambique into South Africa up until October 1975. Come and visit the LM Radio museum website, or write to me with your comments and memories.



  • At 1 July 2007 at 23:37 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hello Chris, I've showed your web page in my blog

    and in a LM/Maputo msn group. And now I will tell them about your blog.
    Best regards, IO.

  • At 9 August 2007 at 12:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Chris knows all about LM radio! He even wrote the Wikipedia page on it!

  • At 2 October 2007 at 17:41 , Blogger Azinheira said...

    Hi Chris,
    I was a teenage at the time and my saturdays afternoon memories are definitely linked to LM radio and the chart - what was it's title?
    What a lovely surprise to be able to hear now all this stuff again, as when we were young and full of ourselves. You are doing an amazing work, thanks for it all.

  • At 2 October 2007 at 17:45 , Blogger Azinheira said...

    Hi Chris,
    I was a teenager at the time and remember listenning to the saturday afternoon chart - what was it's title? I still am able of going back to those times and feel myself young and full of good "vibes".
    Thank you for the amazing work you are doing, it's really fun to listen to all this.

  • At 5 December 2007 at 05:05 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hello Chris. This is David I just want to say thanks. you are doing a great job. thanks for the memories

  • At 24 March 2008 at 16:55 , Blogger Unknown said...

    Hi Chris - just discovered your website. I always wondered what happened to LM radio and actually wrote an essay about LM Radio at UC Berkeley in 1990.

    I am a 60s Camps Bay boy, now living on a ranch in Baja California Sur, Mexico.

    Life sure takes us down strange byways!

    Thank you so much!


  • At 16 September 2008 at 10:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    How many lifetimes ago did I listen to LM Radio - up in Rhodesia.
    Thank you for the fantastic memories.

    Stretch (now in the UK)

  • At 16 October 2008 at 01:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


    I am 4 years older than you and lived in Lourenco Marques, Mozambique, since a few months after I was born till I left in 1975 just before independence.

    I came across your LM Radio website recently through a friend. Browsing through it was quite an emotional experience. I used to listen to Bloemfontein Radio in Afrikaans (or was it Springbok Radio broadcasting from Bloemfontein, Orange Free State?) and to LM Radio, my favorite radio stations, during my teens in the 60's.
    I specially remember David Davies and his hit parade, Evelyn Martin, always on with some program or other, Clarke McKay and Gerry Wilmot.
    Oh, those LM Radio jingles!! They brought tears to my eyes. You're right, LM Radio was "the finest radio station in Africa".
    Thanks for sharing such good memories with us. An old fart european expat in europe,

    Vasco Freitas

  • At 26 October 2009 at 10:52 , Blogger Vasco Freitas said...

    Are you aware that LM Radio is up on the air again, broadcasting from Maputo?! 34 years later! Except that LM now stands for "Lifetime Music" instead of "Lourenço Marques".
    The station opening date is November 1st 2009, but it is already up on a test transmission. For those who listen internet radio and use Winamp as their mmedia player in File > Play URL enter
    Have a look also at the web site
    Listen carefully to the new Jingles. Do you notice familiar tunes?
    Enjoy your nostalgia.

  • At 7 December 2009 at 11:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When I was in South Africa in 1972, I used to listen to Radio LM because the SAUK did not play my music. They were too conservative for me. I live in the Netherlands where all sea stations, Radio Caroline, North Sea, Radio London and Veronica used to pour their music over us in those beautiful years.

  • At 18 January 2010 at 15:28 , Blogger LeWarthog said...

    I bought an old valve radio in 1972 for R2.00 and found LM radio at 1st go. Spent many happy hours recording music with a handheld microphone then onto reel to reel tape recorder or cassette. anyone remember that? I was also listening the night when LM went off air and the guys were leaving Maputo.Could have been Peter de Nobrega talking.
    nothing could touch them and still doesn't.

  • At 18 January 2010 at 20:29 , Blogger RadioChris said...

    LM Radio is live on 107.4 FM in Maputo and in Ponta do Ouro - also on the internet and on the PAS10 satellite. visit

  • At 14 March 2010 at 19:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Well done Chris. The jingles: I can listen to it over and over. Memories come back....Also as a radio Ham like you, the technical details are interesting. Can you get more info? Are the transmitters using solid state or valves? From wat i've seen at Bloemendal, at high wattages, valves are still mostly used.

  • At 15 March 2010 at 08:32 , Blogger RadioChris said...

    Modern Medium Wave transmitters are generally solid state FET based up to powers of 100kW. Even for higher powers multiple transmitters are combined. LM Radio currently broadcasts only on FM and satellite. These of course are all solid state.

  • At 22 May 2010 at 08:30 , Blogger Annie said...

    Hi Chris, I came across this and maybe you could give me some info regarding the Matola radio station, seeing that you and your wife were there recently. Do you perhaps know what's going to happen to the entire building? As I've seen on another website, apparently there's a shopping complex being built on those premises and from what I understood, Radio de Mocambique will be turned into a museum.Most importantly, what I would like to know and if anyone could give me some information,is whether the statue outside those premises will still remain? That was my father, who sadly passed away last year and therefore the only remaining memory I would have of him. I would greatly appreciate it if you, or someone who might know could share that information with me. My email: Thanking you in anticipation Ann

  • At 22 May 2010 at 08:32 , Blogger Annie said...

    Hi Chris, I came across this and maybe you could give me some info regarding the Matola radio station, seeing that you and your wife were there recently. Do you perhaps know what's going to happen to the entire building? As I've seen on another website, apparently there's a shopping complex being built on those premises and from what I understood, Radio de Mocambique will be turned into a museum.Most importantly, what I would like to know and if anyone could give me some information,is whether the statue outside those premises will still remain? That was my father, who sadly passed away last year and therefore the only remaining memory I would have of him. I would greatly appreciate it if you, or someone who might know could share that information with me. My email: Thanking you in anticipation Ann

  • At 26 July 2010 at 12:40 , Blogger Tracey said...

    Hi Chris, we have just returned from a holiday in Mozambique and quite by chance tuned into LM Radio. My husband and I were like teenagers again and it brought back so many good memories. My daughters (aged 21) thought we were barking mad but finally agreed that it was like the movie "The Boat that Rocked" and have become firm converts. Thanks for the chance to go down memory lane (and feel like teenagers again) Regards

  • At 26 July 2010 at 18:06 , Anonymous Luísa Flores said...

    Congratulations to you all in LM Radio. LM radio was my radio when I was living in Mozambique, from where I left to Portugal in 1976. I missed you guys so much. Happily, now, you are with me since I wake up until night, in Portugal. You really make my days. You have no idea how happy I am to have you in my laptop. I wish you all the best and all the success.

    Luísa Flores

  • At 7 August 2010 at 23:26 , Anonymous Louis Joffe ZR6YID said...

    Hi Chris, I, a child or thr 50s and 60s, LM kept us sain. We loved it even with its scratch and unstable signal here in johannesburg.It was a way of life, the vibe, the music, te personalities and te secnce of belonging to the coolest radio station around. I have recordings of many jingles and adds from the old LM radio(the come mostly from the punhouse ste, if you want coppies I will gladly let you have them. Keep it up Louis ZR6YID

  • At 9 August 2010 at 10:00 , Blogger RadioChris said...

    Hi Louis, thanks for your comment. I appreciate your offer of material. If you have any original material, i.e. not off the net then I would appreciate copies for posting on the website. Much of the stuff on the net has come from the same sources either mine or from Frans Erasmus (posted on Pumamouse).
    please visit to listen to LM Radio

  • At 21 March 2024 at 08:33 , Blogger RadioChris said...

    no-one commenting???


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